26 August 2007


My heart rate increased as I sat on the floor booking my flight to Nanchang, China. Buying the tickets was the final commitment. I am happy to say that the plan I devised and implemented, to date, has come off with out any one hitch delivering it a death blow.

Before I board the plane for Nanchang, I hope to have written enough here for you to feel how I came to this point in my life. I must thank my parents for raising me so that I will try to make a silk purse out of a sows ear. Even if I have to go a million miles to get the ear.


SScarton said...

Found your blog ..are your clothes dry?.....

Entrepreneurs Elevated said...

Nice mugshot!

clypso said...

you clean up sexy

clypso said...

this is james by the way i don't want to make creepy anonymous posts