I purchased a camera and hope to regularly post pictures. The ones I am posting today are of two classes I teach, the canteens where we eat most meals (remember bad college food) and the sign identifying the office as the "Electricity Office", no one can tell me the significance of the risque pictures of a woman. There are also pictures of my old apartment building, students playing basketball and some canteen food.
The picture of the man is a Chinese graduate student, his uncle is an administrator. I am too teach him english, really it is to improve his english skills. The administrator made it clear that I am doing him a favor and that he will help me with any problems I have with the administration. That problem may be soon, I have to fly to Hong Kong to get my full-year visa and some in the school have balked at them paying for it. My contract say they pay for all visa expenses incurred in China, to me this is one of them.
The picture of clothes hanging demonstrates how EVERYONE on campus must dry their clothes. There are no dryers.
That is it for the day, except for one last thought.
Being here is making me more introspective. I hope/think I am learning more about myself. Maybe, just maybe, this experience will make me a better person and friend.
Miss you all.
From the heart.